A Couple of The Best Ways to Visit or Travel in My World, Or Your World!

A wonderful day in paradise

A wonderful day in paradise

I am a copywriter who has an itch to travel and the only way to satisfy that itch is to scratch it. Now there are different ways to scratch a travel itch. The cheapest ways would be to check out the travel channel. It’s nice, scenic and sometimes a little excitement. That type of scratch is for those that don’t get that intense bone deep kind of itch. IT would never work for me. If I want to go somewhere special, I put it on my road map. That is the development of a set goals, and start making a check list of items to get YOU to that destination. YOU always need some money to make it happen. So, plan and estimate how long you want to travel, and figure out a budget for it. YOU don’t have to always travel first class to see some really awesome locations. Have you ever traveled and stayed in a hostel? They have some that are really nice, especially in Europe. Even that, YOU can do either dormitory style which is the cheapest, or a private room. A lot of travelers make their way around the globe using hostels. Here are a few websites of the most popular hostel sites: HostelWorld.com, HostelBookers.com, Hostels.com, Hostelz.com, according to this Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7130998.  Another option, is even cheaper, if YOU like to meet new friends. Couch surfing is free for those that sign up and build a profile. YOU get graded by your actions, and YOU can grade your host. So it pays to be nice. Some people advertise their couches are available and YOU make contact and converse via one of the couch websites. One of the most popular is couchsurfing.org. There are over a 100,000 cities that offer couch surfing. Sometimes YOU can offer to do a small service for the host. If YOU are a really good cook, and YOU offer to cook your specialty, YOU are in. So experiencing the world does not have to cost YOU a small fortune, if YOU plan everything out well in advance. It can be an awesome experience for ME, or YOU and maybe a friend. There are some other unique travel options and I will discuss some of those on my next blog posting. So, my wish for YOU is smooth sailing. TTYL… Jimmy

One thought on “A Couple of The Best Ways to Visit or Travel in My World, Or Your World!

  1. Please leave any comments that you might have about the blog in general or any tips that you have experienced with your own travels! Thanks… Jimmy

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